
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Meet our TEAM & FUND


You may DONATE as little as $1 on ANY Credit Card OR JOIN:

•You Can Feed a Family in the Coden, Alabama Area for a Week with Your Extra Change
•Send 1 Tent (a shelter & home for a poor family) to Roatan, Honduras for Just $10.
•5 Children are $10 Away From One Month of Organic "Munch" Gardening Education & Experience!
Be a part of our SHARING TEAM TODAY: Give a $10 Gift-Membership to Someone Else in your Community and & Help us Make a Difference Everyday!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

VP Conference CALL RECORDING & Meeting Summary

Val's Porch is a small, organic garden and campsite located in the seaside town of Coden, Alabama.
We partner with educators, scientist, natural healers and humanitarians to promote wellbeing and to raise awareness about nutrition, child development, organic "Munch" gardening, camping, health & humanitarian work.
(We initially launched our ideas in Atlanta, GA at the Global Health & Humanitarian Summit at Emory University--School of Medicine on April 15th, 2012.)

On Friday 6/1/12 we met in a intimate & successful Conference Call to Highlight our Board of Directors and to Discuss:
our Mission, Purpose, Operations (accounting, treasury, campsite logistics, volunteers etc), intentions to pursue a 501c3 tax exempt status, Membership, Grants & Funding, possible Community Involvement (farmer's markets, education in schools,etc), new ONLINE Media (Website, Blog & Facebook), a PR invitation on a Radio Show, Defining our Educational Platforms & Humanitarian Campaigns and Brainstormed about developing low-cost/high-impact Projects.

Our Next Quarterly Team Meeting will be: Sunday, September 2nd, 2012. (Time TBA) and You are INVITED!
Please Join us as we will be finalizing the selection of our Annual Retreat location! (Suggested locations: Atlanta, Alaska, Roatan, Coden & New Orleans.)

Listen to an MP3 RECORDING of the Conference Call at: MP3:
It's about 38 minutes long. Please ENJOY it while you play Online!
(We sincerely Apologize to individuals who tried to join-in on the Call but could not, due to technical difficulties. This is a learning process for all of us -- we VALUE your time during these trying times. Thank You!)

We THANK our Honorary Liaisons: (friends, family, allies, donors & supporters) for your Collaboration and for Sharing your vision, work & ideas with us! Together we can create small & large-scale changes that help humanity.

Please feel free to call me Personally, ANYTIME with your questions or comments at: 251-635-8927
(If you prefer to just Leave a Message, VAL'S PORCH Voice-mail only is: 251-272-9316).


Rita L. Greenwood
Executive Director & "Innkeeper"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HIGHLIGHT: VP Bio of the Week

Board of Director member Roger Kolker is part of Val's Porch- New England Conference. He has been involved with community volunteer projects along the East coast from Orlando, FL to his current community on the South shore of Massachusetts. As part of staff for the local rehabilitation center Roger feels that greater effort needs to be applied to interaction and improving the conditions of those around us.
PROFITS OF WELLBEING: Simmering on Health & Wealth. (Part 2.)

By Rita Greenwood

HEALTHCARE forces society to put a value on human life. The value of productivity & economic efficiency, are measured against health & wellbeing, therefore an asymmetry of info between patients and doctors exist. And there is no agreement about what the trade-off between price and health should be. This lack of general consensus seems to correspond with the political ideology of the group or individuals who are directly affected financially or medically.

For instance, conservatives claim that (OBAMACARE) means more cost whereas liberals claim the benefits of expanded coverage for people currently without. Anxiously some of us await the Supreme Court’s decision as to the Constitutionality of this law. Meanwhile, we need healthy workers for a productive economy. And some people can’t wait to be well.

If we adopt a “health before wealth” psychology, we may begin to see the difference and to heal. Our moral values rise in direct relation to economic development as “people are put before profits” and “outcomes are measured not incomes”. For the sake of our own mortality, can the American Healthcare System adopt a humanizing not monetizing, green not mean, organic not synthetic, gardens not machines, health-caring not health-scaring approach to the human mind & body? For the sake of abundance & quality of human life are we personally able to balance our finances in this constant struggle between capitalism & socialism?

I’m not waiting for anyone to decide for me. I’m living off the land and going green! Please join me at Val’s Porch to support caring & sharing, giving-back not lack, figs not pigs, good food not trash, grain not gain, tents & trees not towers and prevention not tension. There is much to be said about being healthy from the inside- out.

Val's Porch is a new non-profit promoting health, living green & giving-back to the world through organic gardening, camping, health education and humanitarian efforts. Join us!
"Wealth & Health": A Simmering on the Profits of Wellbeing

(This is long overdue...I’ve been thinking about this topic now for about a month and I have been dragging around water-soaked notes. So, it’s time.)

First, it is incredible to me how SELFISH Humanitarians are! The nerve to think that we could actually HELP people with our Napoleon-like Passion!

But, I digress… a few weeks ago I attended a “Relay for Life” by the American Cancer Society at Emory University. I soon found myself staring at a table that had posters of little animals on it. As I got closer, I began to study the pins & stickers. One caught my attention, “If I were a rat, I’d already be cured!” I laughed out loud and said to the middle-aged attendant, “That is so true!” She replied, “Do you like the poster?” I looked at the poster that had caught my attention to begin with: I could see little rats running about, doing different things. They looked like the “Village People” with little tool-belts and stuff but I couldn’t make-out the full picture because of all the pins & t-shirts sitting on it. But I said, “Maybe they should have little human faces…”

That’s when the woman’s eyes got big. She said “Our Dept. at Emory takes care of them.” Then a man, whom I hadn’t noticed standing next to me chimed-in, “You better hope they don’t all get out & away!” The woman explained that he was the Director of their department and that even so, he talks & jokes like that. Then, without ever making eye contact, he explained that his Department has over 70 thousand rats & other animals that they care for after they have been used in the lab. (I forget how many MILLIONS of dollars he said it cost every year to do that!)

I responded, “Too bad they couldn’t be used for something else—like consumption if they weren’t diseased.” He said, “It would be nice if we could give them to Zoos, but they don’t want them. They have their own feeding programs.” He then said, “We have a $20 Thousand Dollar rat!” I responded, “What kind of GOLD does he have!” He said well a scientist will ask for a rat with such and such gene strand and someone will say “I’ll make him for you—for $20K!” “So, it’s a business…” I said. “Yes!” the lady added “the largest place that does it is called “Charles River”. I wrote it down and began to leave when he asked, still not looking at me “So what do you do here?” “Research” I said. “Humanitarian Research” and I thanked them both for "educating me" and walked away to let what they had said simmer down and to get some food.

Now, I’ve both had a “Health Scare” and understand the desperate needs for cures as well as have in my youth, marched the streets next to PETA activist dressed in blood-soaked bunny suits in protest of animal cruelty. And, as a researcher with MEMS (micro-electrical-mechanical-systems) I had to learn the value of destruction of our products in order to create better, longer lasting technology. Health is a serious issue and I find it hard to make good judgment calls as to the specific methods Medicine uses to find a cure--it is a contentious issue with an argument I am not able to make or ignore.

But there are cures and there are better ways to learn from those cures! A new group, Aggregating Outliers (AO) is looking at PEOPLE who have successfully beaten deadly diseases and life-threatening health issues to find out WHAT, WHY & HOW they were successful and then they are passing that info on to researchers. I think this model of looking at living, breathing successful human models can tell us much more than diseased animals from another species can. I also do passionately believe in prevention and in natural ways of SELFCARING and HEALTHCARING that involves others and love. (This approach, of course, if often minimized because they can’t make a ton of money from it.) Deemed "simplistic & unscientific" it APPEARS to lack that industrial profit. And any attempts—no matter how detailed—like the 2,419 + pages of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), “OBAMACARE” is maligned and numerous individual and state injunctions have been filed against it. (The Supreme Court heard six hours of oral argument on March 26–28, 2012, and is expected to issue its decision by the end of June.)

Yet, we all know deep down inside, that Healthcare in its previous form is DEAD. More and more people are standing up and demanding better personal care and more from their doctors. Recently, I met Dr. Jim Withers—Founder of “Street Medicine” from Pennsylvania who only treats HOMELESS PEOPLE under bridges. He partnered with street-savvy formerly homeless individuals and, initially dressing as a homeless person, began to make nighttime street rounds in the alleys and under the bridges of the city. From this initial outreach service other clinical volunteers joined in and Operation Safety Net was born. Today, Operation Safety Net is recognized as one of nation’s first, targeted, full-time street medicine programs. It continues to set the standard for this unique form of health care.

"The people we serve have taught us how to best address their needs in the context of their real lives. By developing trust and fostering deep, personal
connection with the individuals we serve, we are able to partner with them to find solutions."
I saw him give a little speech on “The Empathy Virus.”
(To be continued…Watch for PART 2- Profits of Wellbeing)


What is your tree? "What is it that calls you to stretch beyond what is comfortable into places that are uncomfortable, and to realize that you are more powerful and more magical than your mind could have believed? What is your tree?" – Julia Butterfly Hill

Honestly, I COULDN'T DO THIS ALONE! Julia Butterfly Hill lived for over 2 years in a 180-foot-tall, 600-year-old California Redwood tree named Luna in order to prevent loggers from cutting it down. She refused to let her feet touch the ground until the tree was permanently protected, an act that challenged her to her core. Since descending from Luna, Julia has inspired thousands into action by being in dialogue around the simple question: what is your tree? Keep this question near, and use it to keep our actions honest:Do I use my time, energy, resources for what matters most to me in the world? And am I really engaged in my work in a way that challenges me to stretch, and forces me to find ideas, tools and relationships – and strength – previously undiscovered?

For the most part, I get to answer yes. My tree is Love. It’s a commitment to equity and a belief that some things – including basic needs like water, the ability to live freely and reach our full potential – are a human right, not a privilege.

I can only HOPE & PRAY that my work through VAL'S PORCH isn’t just work; but I TRUST that it is rooted in my deepest commitments because I didn't create it-- it was GIVEN to me, A GIFT from GOD to set others and me at PEACE. Today, what are you using your voice for? What is your tree?

NOTES About Crossing a Swollen River
.by Rita Greenwood on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 7:53pm ·

Today is my 80th day Living in the Woods (and counting) and my 475th day as a HAPPY & HOMELESS WOMAN!)
It rained pretty heavy here in ATL last night and crossing the River this morning after leaving the Emory Library to get to my Camp was Fierce!

Exhausted, once I finally crossed-over, I watched STEAM come-off my body as I took-off my soaked clothes and hung them on branches. Then I sat in my tent trying to dry-out my backpack which I had carried on my head, ate a piece of bread that "fruit-truck-Joe" had given me a couple of days before, settled and doodled these little aphorisms:


Instead of pushing-up against you-
Let the waters sweep you along
With your feet still touching bottom
As they move endlessly towards the other side
Keep your Head up High
And Resist the invitation to float.

"Find Your Way Home"

Even if the rain is coming hard
Even if there is heat in a public bathroom
Find your way Home
Even if Daylight arrives
Before your eyelids were fully closed
Get-up and walk.


I know what it feels like
To be on a Mountain
That feels like a suspension bridge
With deep, dark valleys lower than the abyss
I've thrown gingerbread manikins of myself off--
To the left
And wondered if I could slide-down to the right.
But intuition knew that void, empty and forever lost
Are the shadows off this Rock!
Also, when the tides are high (though you are tired & eager
To cross to the other side)
Do not enter where the currents can pull you under.
Wait, the Lord will provide.

"Questions for the Family"

Mother, did you bring back any Milex milk?
Brother, what's going-on in your head?
Why does everything seem so quiet after the rain?
Is it I-- another dead?


Lying in a tent feels great
Compared to laying under a bridge
On Jagged Rocks.
Eating someone's leftover pickle, half-eaten sandwich
& Soggy chips
Taste better than THAT food you hardly gave me.

"Rushing Waters Subsided"

All in the same day
Perhaps it all happened in the same hour...
Violent, muddy storms
Flushed-out waves of end-times despair
Followed by peace & quiet.

(To Helton B. & the "HealthCaring" Campaign):

I Saw One or 2 in a Garden
I saw one or 2 in a Garden Laughing
Laughing! --The Nerve!
"HealthCaring" they said is
A new word we coined.
Let the heavy boots of profit stomp
On our wooden floors.
We are together in our garden
Sharing the fruits of our Soul.

Brainy Kids: Ode to Emory University
Shouting their algorithms
& Cohelix sequences!
In library masses
As if studying was next to bread.

I knew it would be...but today i must say, "Thank God, All is well!"


Calling ALL

Calling ALL Humanitarians, Educators, Artists, Healers, Scientists, Activists and Free Thinkers! .
by Rita Greenwood on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 7:36pm ·

Dear Friends,
THIS IS MY BIG COMING-OUT! (No, not out of the Closet—but out of the Woods!) (Today is my 78th day living in the woods & my 473rd day experimenting as a Homeless Woman just to know what it's like-- in order to appreciate life more, AND to Re-learn how to Give-back! I am Living Green and have been secretly doing a little experiment to learn to be a better & Happier person!)

Some of you know my background: I'm an aspiring Engineer (worked doing R&D with MEMS-Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems at CWRU-Micro-fabrications Labs & Orbital Research in Cleveland, Ohio. And most recently I made Airplanes with Boeing—the 787 Dreamliner in Charleston, SC.) But after an unfortunate or ‘rather fortunate’ Shift due to a Motorcycle accident caused by an un-ruptured cerebral aneurism & small stroke, I am now Executive Director & future “Innkeeper” at VAL’S PORCH (VP) in Coden, Alabama.

I'm drawing from my recent experiences Living IN THE WOODS to create a Camp that partners with healers, scientists, and schools to raise awareness about health, nutrition, child development, and homelessness.

As you NOW Know, VAL’S PORCH is currently in our Developmental Stages and will be expanding our network of Humanitarians, Educators, Artist, Healers, Scientists, Activists and Free Thinkers in the next few months as we prepare to Go Live in Alabama in early May. We also hope to receive our 501 (c) (3) non-profit status with the IRS this year.

As we increase our network, one of the main avenues for building our Camp will be through our Website, which I am personally currently developing. (If you or someone you know can offer us help in this department, please let me know.) Also, we will be having VAL'S PORCH 1st Board of Directors & Honorary Liaisons Conference Call starting on Friday, June 1st (Time TBA) and welcome anyone who wants to know more about VP's plans, latest developments to our project, how you can help, and talk to our Board Members directly to join the call. We also welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have about VP at this time. Just call 251-272-9316 or email me at:

At VAL'S PORCH in Coden, Alabama we hope to start planting our “MUNCH GARDEN” FarmStarter Campaign & GroundBreaking Ceremony within the next few weeks as part of the fundraising process, so please consider contributing to VAL'S PORCH and its cause, and we'll give you a personalized item such as a t-shirt or bumper sticker, as well as recognition of your name on our website as our way of saying "thanks." ($10 is our Annual Membership or 1 Hour of Volunteer work in the 'Munch Gardens' at our Camp).

As things begin to grow, we hope to make our Organic Fruits, Salads & Harvest available to the public at $1 per salad because we believe this good stuff should be accessible to all! You may also donate Camping Equipment or any Children Educational Materials we can share with the Coden, Alabama Community & abroad on the Island of Roatan in Honduras….You can be a progressive force in Our Community—Even if a quiet Force from far away! Thank You!

Finally, I'd be happy to send you a Copy of our recent Launch Presentation at the Global Health & Humanitarian Summit 2012 presented this past weekend at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. Should you be interested in further sharing your energy, resources & ideas with us, please send us your email with ‘PARTNER INFO REQUEST’ in the subject line. Even if you are unable to volunteer in our community garden projects, please stay connected to us through this social media outlet.

Thank you again for your interest in the Wellbeing of humanity!
Yours, Rita L. Greenwood, VAL’S PORCH .

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


On October 26, 2010 I had a MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT that left me unable to take care of myself, to do My Job at Boeing-Charleston and to get the necessary documentations needed to stay-on MAKING AIRPLANES. Eventually, I was "let go" January 5th, 2011.

I left quietly--i knew i couldn't do it anymore without support and something was wrong. (LITERALLY, I did not know my left from right-hand and couldn't command movement at times, was dizzy and off-balance. I SLEPT FOR MONTHS, COULD NOT SPEAK NOR THINK PROPERLY AND WAS VERY DEPRESSED.)But, I believed that FAITH, my commitment to Quality, passion and my belief in the Boeing Dream would eventually get me back.

Since then, I have done everything possible to recuperate, to get-up, to move & bend my limbs and to get through the disappointment of losing what was important to me. I went home to Roatan, the Bay Islands of Honduras in the Caribbean where I'm from--i swam daily (and sometimes at Night so to not get attention) and i eventually got my physical & mental strength back.
Then, I decided to go to SEATTLE, WA & to Everett, WA to be surrounded by EVERYTHING BOEING so that i would not lose FAITH. BUT what I GOT was the AWESOME CASCADE MOUNTAINS, THE SNOHOMISH RIVER with dying Salmon stranded upstream, WALKS FOR HUNGER AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES.I didn't get my job back, but i got the NEW LIFE i wanted. GOD GAVE ME STRENGHT AND THIS BEAUTIFUL NATURE TO APPRECIATE.


.MODIFIED from FB POST on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 7:35pm*